
My edtech life in 3 gifts

This is the digital version of putting an apple on teacher's desk…

This isn't an assignment for Jim Groom's Digital Storytelling course, but I had this idea last night, and spent this afternoon playing with it. Inspired by the excellent Radio 4 series, "A History of the World in 100 objects", my idea was to take three objects and use these to tell my life, or career, in educational technology. I was going to use any object, but decided to limit myself to gifts I've been given. The result is below. It didn't turn out that great, I really need more images and it needs to be snappier, but I thought I'd share it because I like the concept more than the product. One of these days, I hope to put some time to one of these and come up with something as good as Grant Potter's great story. Until then I may as well share the half-baked ideas I have, because someone may do something better with them.


  • Barbara Dieu

    Interesting to represent your EdTech profile through objects you have received.
    I tried to illustrate and contrast, through the story of Etelvina, what happens (or how one feels) in a locked “corporate” environment and the open Web. Not sure this is the idea people will have when watching it. As you say well, it is not that easy to get the concept into a product.

  • Jim

    What’s amazing to me is how seamlessly you seem to bring the three gifts (not GIFs) together in a pretty well articulated thesis that has a meaningful trajectory, I don’t think you give yourself nearly enough credit in the description of this story, and I love the way you rapid prototype your experiments here constantly.
    What’s more, the 365 photos a day structure is interesting, just like Dailyshoot, it gives you a way to point your learning, and some inspiration, and having already read your post after this one, I think you really nail the reasons why institutions are still very valuable and are not going anywhere just yet. What’s the other side of that though, is a settled entrenchment in centralization—even when that comes to open educational resources. All around us on the web examples for learning are more and more distributed and less and less affiliated with institutions (but unfortunately more and more with companies). I think it would be not only scary, but downright dangerous to be unhinged from institutions all together, but looking around it seems that they have mistaken their mission for their budget.
    OK, but let me save the rest of these ideas for my next comment on your next post. 😉

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