
  • digital scholarship,  publications,  Research,  zombify

    More brains! The perpetuation of the zombie scholar

    With Jim Groom I'm writing a chapter for the Zombies in the Academy book. It's at an early draft stage, but thought I would share it in this wiki. My argument is that the context we have set up in education for all aspects of scholarship is like a contagion that works against innovation. This was an idea I explored in my researchers and new technology post and which forms a theme of my upcoming book (but with no zombies). There is an analogy here with the manner in which zombies turn all-comers into one of their own, which is exemplified by this clip from Dan O'Bannon's Return of the…

  • zombify

    Zombify it

    Adblock (Warning: this post contains no educational technology benefit whatsoever). As friends on Twitter will know, I have a bit of a zombie film obsession. Sure, I like arthouse cinema, The Double Life of Veronique and Wages of Fear are amongst my favourite films, but given the choice, I'd opt for a Romero most nights. Anyway, the other night, rather than watch some rubbish TV, I created my top ten zombie films in a wiki. A small point – this is why TV is in trouble, because people can do this kind of thing easily, and it's much more fun. I also commented in a tweet that there were very…
