
  • edupunk,  Open content

    With friends like these, musicians don’t need enemies

    Nothing in this post is new, but I had a reminder of the idiocy of copyright today. I got a message from YouTube telling me my Edupunk video had been blocked because of a copyright claim. The account read: "Your video, Edupunk, may have audio content from Anarchy In The U.K. by Sex Pistols that is owned or licensed by WMG." Well, I can't argue, that is obviously true. But let's examine the logic of this and ask a few questions: Question 1: "Is it likely that my use of Anarchy in the UK as the soundtrack to an ed tech video will damage sales? Will anyone who was going…

  • edupunk

    The punk zine approach

    The Leisurely Historian has a nice post on what education can learn from the punk zine movement, which flourished around the time of punk. One could also expand it to any fanzine movement really (football fanzines would be another good example), where the DIY ethos makes them more valuable to a certain audience than the glossy, formal productions. He lists several things we can learn, which I'll touch upon, but you should read his post: All you need is Sharpies, tape, and a Xerox machine – ie a lot can be achieved with relatively low resource. For a zine this meant you didn't need an expensive printing press. For an…

  • edupunk

    A little corner that is forever edupunk

    Last night I was part of a live internet radio show, run by Graham Attwell at Pontydysgu. The theme was edupunk, and the show featured Jim Groom and Mike Caulfield amongst others. I made the point that edupunk is a sort of metaphor, and like all metaphors we only map certain parts across to the new domain – in this case I thought it was the DIY, have-a-go approach of punk, and some of the anarchic nature of it. What we wouldn’t want to map across was the slightly Stalinist approach that came with punk where people were either punk or not, and anything that was not was decreed rubbish.…

  • broadcast,  edupunk,  Open content

    Future of content vid with annotations

    Accusations of flogging dead horses may well be justified, but just in case you thought my Future of Content was some randomly assembled clips, the annotated version is now up on YouTube (again you have to click through to see the annotations). So, I’ve now done the article, made a video of it, then added textual annotation to explain the video. Erm, full circle anyone? Still, you do now have a choice of medium.

  • e-learning,  edupunk,  Open content,  web 2.0

    The eduWomble manifesto

    Adblock For those who have difficulties with the connotations of edupunk, straight of Wales we bring you – eduWomble! One of my twitter friends Griffithss4 tweeted yesterday that regarding their learning environment “Current approach can be summarised (and will be referred to) as the #’Womble Strategy” For those outside the UK, the Wombles was a children’s television programme set on Wimbledon Common about creatures who lived underground and made their homes and stuff by recycling the rubbish humans left around. The green message was very ahead of its time, but it’s the theme tune that offers itself up to us educational technologists as metaphor. The main theme is represented in…

  • broadcast,  edupunk,  Open content

    The future of content – the eduVJ mix

    Tony has posted a follow up to his original vid, so in the spirit of friendly competition, I’d best follow suit. I have taken my Future of Content post and done an eduVJ (as Patrick dubbed it) mix. I’m not sure it works as well as the first one, mainly because this is trying to make more of an academic point, so maybe the fit to the song isn’t as neat. I’m enjoying doing these though, and this one taught me some more about using Camtesia (such as save your file because it might crash out half way through). The last one was a Camtesia recording of Powerpoint, this one was…

  • broadcast,  e-learning,  edupunk

    YouTube annotations (on edupunk video)

    YouTube now allows you to add annotations to your uploaded videos. It's very easy to do (to go back to my previous post, another example of lowering the 'cost' to the user). So, I took my edupunk video, and added some annotations, see below. What adding comments does is potentially transform any video into an educational one. Much of teaching can be seen as providing commentary, analysis and interpretation on the world. YouTube annotation allows this second order decoding. If you combine that with the discussion permitted by comments and you've suddenly got a pretty compelling learning application. At the moment (I don't know if there are plans to change…

  • edupunk,  Weblogs

    D’Arcy’s Camus moment

    D'Arcy Norman recently 'nuked' his blog, ie he took it all down and replaced it with the image of a nuclear explosion (he missed a fine opportunity for RickRolling there). As he says "At first, I was just doing it to make a point, but I quickly reached a point where I was almost convinced I was going to leave it nuked. I was going to toss the albatross overboard…But my blog is strictly just a bunch of words. Just a bunch of talk." This came on the back of some of the edupunk stuff and backlash which has rather gotten bogged down in dissecting the term. Interestingly, punk itself…

  • edupunk

    One for the Edupunkers

    I wasn't going to post on Jim's Edupunk stuff because although I think it's spot-on, it made me feel slightly left out, and too corporate (Edupunk's don't concern themselves with things like business models). I'm not radical enough to be part of it. This was a purely personal reaction, I applaud the notion of remixing, DIY edtech, openness, etc.  I sit on things like steering committees, produce papers and write research bids after all. I may not be the Man, but I'm on nodding terms with him. But then I watched Tony's presentation on publishing, data and copyright and felt positively inspired. I don't use this word lightly (except when…
