
  • brokenness,  higher ed,  Weblogs

    Edukashun is brocken – the Tumblr

    To save me clogging up this blog by banging on about the lazy ‘education is broken’ meme used to justify venture capital, I’ve set up one of those Tumblr blogs that gathers stuff together here: I think there’s a slight danger that like Pseuds Corner in Private Eye it ends up including too much. In the case of Pseuds corner it sometimes seems that any attempt to use words of more than one syllable will be lampooned. Similarly, this tumblr may end up including any attempt to talk about the future of education. In general what I want are those pieces where the education is broken meme is trotted out…

  • brokenness,  higher ed

    It’s only an island if you look at it from the water

    David Kernohan has a good piece on education funding and the manner in which MOOCs commercialise higher ed over on his blog (although I disagree with his criticism of Jim Groom and Stephen Downes). It resonates with some discussions I had with people at the Hewlett OER conference in San Diego last week. As readers of this blog will know, I’m no fan of the ‘education is broken’ cliche. At the San Diego meeting several smart open education people stated this belief quite passionately, and I voiced my anger at it to the point where it almost came to blows. In the ensuing discussions it became apparent that people bundle…
