
A reluctant traveller

Travelling to Como made me reflect that as I have got older, and particularly since becoming a father, I have become more reluctant to travel alone. I have begun to resemble Anne Tyler’s Accidental Tourist – I want to fly direct, get a taxi from the airport to the hotel, conduct business and get home. I also have the monoglots slight anxiety about travel in foreign countries. So having to get two planes and two trains to get to to Como was akin to a New world expedition for me. It all went smoothly, and like all Brits abroad, I sighed with admiration at the clinical operation of their train system.

Como is a lovely place. One aspect of travel I do enjoy is running in a new setting. It’s a good way to see a place – five or six miles actually covers quite a bit of a tourist area. And what better place to run than alongside the lake? Maybe I could take to this travelling lark again…

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