#OUConf10,  higher ed,  openness

Open Conference video interviews

I conducted a set of interviews for the OU Conference. They all focused around the same 4 questions:

  • What are the benefits of technology for learning?
  • What are the interesting areas around openness at the moment?
  • Are there any interesting trends we should watch over the next few years?
  • What do you think about the open, online approach of the conference?

I interview our Vice Chancellor, Martin Bean, as well as Grainne Conole, Simon Buckingham-Shum and Andrew Law.

They raise some great points, including the impact of social networks, dimensions of openness, moving beyond simple sharing of data, and changes in the nature of conferences. It was intriguing how the same questions elicited very different responses. If anyone else fancies answering these questions from their perspective, please share with us, it'd be a great resource.

You can see the videos in this playlist:

I am the weak link I'm afraid, a career as interviewer does not beckon. But if you like watching a boring middle-aged man wearing a slightly snug tank top and waving his hands around, you've hit pay-dirt.


  • Joel Greenberg

    If CNN sees this, they may think again about hiring Piers Morgan to replace Larry King. Get yourself a shiny black suit and open necked white shirt Martin and the gig could be yours.

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