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The Nessman Cometh

It comes to pass…

Scott Leslie is coming to stay at the OU for a month under an OLNet fellowship. Scott is one of my long time blog/Twitter chums and his blog was one of the very first I started reading back when we used to say ‘blog is short for weblog’.

As I commented in an earlier post, I don’t view online friendships as f2f ones waiting to happen, but even so it’ll be great to finally meet.

So this is just to ask three sets of people if they fancy a meet-up with Scott while he’s here:
OU people- I’ll try and get Scott to give a talk, but informal chats would be goodyoo so let me know if you fancy an edtech coffee.
Cardiff social media/bloggers – Scitt wil probably come down for a weekend so maybe we can arrange a meet-up.
UK edubloggers – wonder if we could organise something?

Let me know in the comments, we need to show these Canadians what they’re missing.


  • Matt Jukes

    well if you don’t get a meetup going in Cardiff I’m sure we could get something set up under the Bathcamp banner 🙂 Only a shop hop from Cardiff – nothing for a Canadian!

  • Jim

    You are very lucky to have Nessman in the house, what a great month it will be. Just don’t let him talk you into any of that meditation stuff, it is culty!

  • mweller

    @Matt – yes, great idea, we should try and set something up even if it isn’t the weekend he is in Cardiff
    @Joel – does that mainly involve talking in ice hockey statistics?
    @Jim – oh no, I’d forgotten that – he is staying with us for a weekend, am I going to be woken by the sound of ‘ommmmm’ at 6am??

  • Jim

    There is a distinct possibility, I’d say you can prepare to battle that with some loud 80s new wave, anything from The Cars “Candy-O” should do the trick.

  • mweller

    Jim, I know he has a strong aversion to The Smiths, so any of that mantra stuff and I’ll blast him with ‘Heaven knows I’m miserable now’. Should see him off.

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