metaedtech journal

Meta Edtech Journal – issue 3

The new, hot off the open access press, issue 3 of my Meta EdTech journal is out. It features five articles, including an interesting one from Australia comparing the use of games with traditional lectures. Perhaps surprisingly games don't come out that well, although there are some benefits. I think this just demonstrates that it is always a more complex issue than we first assume – surprise, learners are not all the same, and what works well for some may not work well for others.

There's also a quick overview of learning analytics from Erik Duval (useful to stick under the nose of one's boss), a look at how Athabasca transformed itself into an elearning university, incorporating social media into problem based learning, a review of copyright debates, and a look at how open textbooks are being reused.

If there's not something there to tickle your ed tech fancy then you're just being awkward.

Remember, I'm only linking to existing open access publications in other journals here, there is no claim to being the original publisher.



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