digital scholarship,  higher ed,  open education,  Presentation

It’s all about me

(This is a picture of a fish. I don’t know why it’s here either)

Like many of you, I get asked to do bits of ‘scholarship on the side” – webinars, interviews, podcasts etc. These seem to have come in a burst recently, after not much in the preceding six months. Some of them are parts of interesting series, so partly because you may find these interesting, and also as a means of collecting them for my own purposes, here is a list of recent ‘other stuff’:

Open Education: What Now? – This was a webinar for part of European Distance Learning Week, along with Catherine Cronin. Although we didn’t have time to plan it, the presentations from Catherine and I complemented each other very well as we explored aspects of open scholarships and some of the tensions it now faces.

Edutechnicalities podcast – created by Rolin Mo. Part of a really excellent series he’s created, and he also developed a nice matrix on digital scholarship activity on the back of this.

Openness in Education – interview with Suzan Koseoglu & Aras Bozkurt in eLearn Magazine

Identifying Categories of Open Educational Resource Users – the IJOER took a chapter I’d written with OER Hub colleagues and republished it (because it was CC licensed) and reformatted it to make it more interactive. I think this is a nice example of what can happen with openly licensed articles.

25 Years of Ed Tech talk – I gave a talk based on my 25 Years series at a recent OpenTEL day at the OU. It was my first go at putting this into a presentation, so a bit rough around the edges. The video covers the whole day, so you can skip mine and go onto more interesting ones.

Gettin’ Air Podcast – Terry Greene hosts a great radio/podcast series. The one he did with me was a lot of fun, he surprised me by calling up old blog posts and we riffed off these, which made a nice change from the usual project promotion stuff.

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