I am Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University. I have been at the OU since 1995 and chaired their first major online course in 1999. If interested you can watch my inaugural lecture which reviews much of my OU history. My interests are in Digital Scholarship, educational technology, open education and impact of new technologies. I’ve authored several books, including 25 Years of Ed Tech and Metaphors of Ed Tech, which are available under an open access licence. Other publications can be found here. I am also co-editor of the open access journal, JIME.
I am Director of the GO-GN project, and the Chair of the Open University’s multidisciplinary Open Qualifications, which contains the largest degree in the UK.
I live in Cardiff, and have a season ticket for Cardiff Devils ice hockey.
I am mweller on most sites, or EdTechie [at] gmail
The work on this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Just read a brief summary of your “20 years of Edtech” on Foundation of Learning and Instruction Design and told myself, “I have to follow this guy”. Im about to depart on a journey on a Ph.D in Education, more specifically on Edtech and instructional design. Thank you for your great work.
Alan Rae
Notwithstanding your affiliation to the Cardiff Devils, who were going to lose to my team, the Dundee Stars, if the season hadn’t come to such a sudden end, would you please let me know how to subscribe to your blog? I am a copyright consultant in FE and have a Dip Ed Tech from many years ago, but have always kept an interest and like you, feel a bit ticked off that online has suddenly become the flavour of the month. Albeit the circumstances are really weird, but I do believe that ed tech can now take its proper place in education. No matter how quickly the present situation continues, nothing will ever be the same again. Regards
Alan Rae