
Innovating Pedagogy report 2013

Last year a few of us at the OU produced the Innovating Pedagogy report. This listed some topics in educational technology we thought were going to be significant. No-one warned me but it was an annual event, so here is the Innovating Pedagogy report 2013.

My colleague Mike Sharples (of FutureLearn fame) does an excellent job of cajoling us into contributing and putting it all together. He operates a process similar to that used in the creation of the Horizon reports, so a bunch of us suggest topics, we vote on these, then get assigned to write a summary for the selected topics. These are then reviewed, and then we write the main section, which goes through another round of review. It's a good process and hopefully it produces a good quality output.

So this year the topics we've chosen are: 

  • Badges to accredit learning
  • Citizen inquiry
  • Crowd Learning
  • Digital scholarship
  • Geo-learning
  • Learning analytics
  • Learning from gaming
  • Maker culture
  • MOOCs
  • Seamless learning

Some of the list are obvious (badges) and others less so (seamless learning), so I think it's got something for everyone. Some topics (eg MOOCs) have been repeated from last year, mainly where there has been significant developments in the past year, it seemed appropriate to include them again. Next year, no bloody MOOCs ok?

If you think there are subjects missing, you're probably right. This is just our take on the current landscape, which we think others may find interesting, we're not proposing it as a definitive list. Actually, it'd be nice to see a similar report from other unis and groups. Anyway, hope you find something in it that's useful. Here's that link again: Innovating Pedagogy 2013


  • R3beccaF

    Last year we looked at New pedagogy for e-books, Publisher-led short courses, Assessment for learning, Badges to accredit learning, MOOCs, Rebirth of academic publishing, Seamless learning, Learning analytics, Personal inquiry learning and Rhizomatic learning.
    So this year we returned to take another look at learning analytics, badges and seamless learning as well as MOOCs.

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